sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

Pentru tine...

 Deci,aici am o compunere pentru un concurs,"cineva" mi-a citit-o shi m-a rugat sa o postez...deci sa incepem,titlul suna cam asha "Why do I live in this world?"
 Often we look deep inside our being searching for the answer to the question:"why do I live in this world?".My opinion is that this is a normal state of mind,it`s as normal as waking up every day,no matter if we want it or not...And when we think that we live in vain,we should remember that there is always some reason be alive...We should live with a goal,`cause otherwise life loses from it`s intensity and we start to live in an endless routine...Why we live if not for the love of others?Why live if we can not light at least a bit the life of the people we care about?What`s the point to live if when the day ends you don`t have the feeling that you count in someone`s life? Why worry about problems that are problems just in your head when you can enjoy the harmony in your life?
 Life is a gift from God and we should never doubt it,`cause this would mean to offend Him...Being alive is a great fortune!And when you think that your life is miserable and that you are unhappy try to take a look to those who aren`t so lucky as you are,to people that have no family,to people that are ill,to homeless people and see that even they know to appreciate life more that we do...They,who lost it all know to enjoy every moment of their life,because life is too short to be waisted with complains and regrets...We should live every second like it is the last one,
`cause you never know when God will decide that is the time for you to live this Earth...This is the biggest problem that we could ever have,the problem that we are mortal and life is never enough for us...Unfortunately some of us realize too late that life is gave to us only once and that we should value every moment...So I`m not going to sit and waiste my time thinking:"Why do I live in this world?"...I already know what I have to do so that I won`t regret anything...I live and I will live loving life itself and loving people that surround me, I`ll make them love me more and more every day,`cause people love you only when you do the best of yourself and I need to be the best,for mine and world`s sake!

P.S.Da,shtiu,mint frumos ))
P.S.2 daca gasitzi cv gresheli gramaticale,ma iertatzi,am facut copy-paste din PC,asta era o ciorna,da` las` ca merge,principalul ca am postat shi tu, bursucule,n-o sa ma batzi atita la cap ))

2 comentarii:

  1. De ce minti frumos???? Ai scris si tu ceva care imi place f mult si zici ca minti?? Cum poti sa nu crezi in propriul tau cuvint???
    Uite,iti dau un sfat,de care numaidecit trebuie sa tii cont,:in fiecare zi sa citesti aceasta compunere si sa crezi in adevarul acestor cuvinte ,chiar daca ti se par utopice...
    Si vei vedea ca fiece zi va fi un nou inceput....
    fiindca aceasta te va umple de lumina in suflet si energie pozitiva...
    ( M.Paulina)
    P.S. imi place f mult compunerea aceasta,cu toate ca mai am si alte idei pe care leas adauga ..:D
    E de nota 10!!

  2. ms ;)
    shtiu....tu eshti plina de idei :D
